I've been trying a number of ways to get the ambient buzz visualisation system working. I've been beset by set backs - I asked to get hold of an dead lap top as an active sensor but was told to ask for a lone pool machine. The down side is you can't loan them out for a month only a few days. The machine I did loan (PC) as fairly useless - it took hours to get going and then I have prfound problems trying to log on then the internet seemed not to work at all.
I switched to the mac -mini. Not the best solution as I will have to get the machine out from under the stairs when we have a visit planned next week. I've been having huge problems with the mini- ages to log on( I think its using wireless) and the keyboard stopped working ( batteries died and not more in the lab). Next the mouse (PC mouse) started to behave funny. So I've stolen Paul's he is not into day. But after rebooting and trying to atach ethernet I'm not getting very far.
I'm currently aiming to put the mac mini + monitor in under the floor ( with security cable) to monitor noise + vibration on the stairs and while that is in I'm going to get the pressure sensor working with the Arduino which I want to calibrate (along with the other sensors). Ideally I want to contact the mini over the network to check on how it is going (note enable remote access).
ON the good news front - we have got the money to build the floor stickies stuff.