Sunday, May 20, 2007


AmbientClock Finally a decent ambient interface. Sounds like the kind of thing that only works in the US but appart from that it looks functional enough to use.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I'm at a conferance at the moment (CNSR) quite intreasting. I am currently in a Keynote about a system called WINNER a 4G system. The talk is about adaptive shareing the frequency response for each transmittor. So we have different transmitters shareing spectrum of frequencies but the signal can be effected at different frequencies. So adapt by sending test signals ( pilots ) and then alter data transmitted to send more information in the parts of frequency that have stronger singnals.

my idea would be would the outputs of the pilots give a sense of the environment you are in ? Might the software make the available to give a sense of where the transmitter is ?

I like idea of picking up this spare information and using it to help identify the location/orientation of the device ( and so the user).

After the talk I spoke to the guy and hay they had considerd it(groovey).

Friday, May 11, 2007

Java Advanced Imaging: Class PerspectiveTransform

Java Advanced Imaging: Class PerspectiveTransform
I was working on try to package up the touch table this morning and found that DT uses this class. I guess they use it to trasnslate to and from the screen space. This is quite cleaver this is a wonderful way to handle mapping a simple direct X,Y coorindate grid into the screen. Works out quite well when using the video projector with some underlying access mechanisum.

for example I was thinking of having a camera track some markers and then project onto this envrionment. The question would be how to handle possible distortion from not vertical projector/camera coords. Solution now is simple use tje perspectivetrasnfrom to do the translatino for you and use the converto/from methods. I will have to think up some cool uses for this.

Still I should be thinking about getting the talk done for the conferance next week.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

table and mouse state of play.

hi all.
After a weekend of furious coding we now have a semi viable experiment system.
What is working
- you can have 1 or 3 people using the Dtouch table.
- they can move around and drag people around.
- wires follow people showing linkage.
- data is entered with as many academics as we can find.
- log files can be created ( R == record and stop record )
- hitting the M key gives the experimenter a Marker incase they spot something interesting and
want that in the log file ( can also be used to sync with logs)
- hitting the K key keeps' or makes a snap shot of the current work.
- hitting the O key opens the previous snap shot restoring layout to previous state

The multiple mouse system is working
- we can plug in up to 8 mice in hub and via multiple powered ups limit of 255 mice !! !
- basically repeats the same experiment
- zooming via scroll wheel.
- hitting the O key opens the previous snap shot restoring layout to previous state
- have enlarged table with MDF to give a mouse pad area (under screen).

Not perfect but enough to do a dry run or a rehearsal

Not done (yet)
- be nice to have just 2 icons to double click on rather than using NetBeans.
- log files are not namable - they need to be dragged/renamed between experiments.
- need to check the interaction to see if it feels comfortable.
- secondary network ( course teams ) needs reformatting.

- noticed that people might want mice to move with their orientation. Someone standing
on left hand side of mice might want his/her mouse to move 90 degrees to the
screen/text reading orientation.
- need to check if people are comfortable leaning over the MDF mouse zone.
- one pad is down
- need more mice with long cables
- some problems filming screen - the building plan is too bright - perhaps should invert it in photoshop?

I'm not in on Friday its a PHD day ( can swap with Thursday if have to), then off next week to conference. Will leave how to do it details plus be available for skypeing e.t.c

Friday, May 4, 2007

Many mouse - good but not bannana.

I can't get the dimond touch stuff and the Manymouse stuff to work at the same time. They work seperatly ok, and even ManyMouse.init() and manyMouse.getDeviceName(int) works but when I try to run two seperate threads then ManyMouse.poll returns nothing each time.--- all on a PC of naturally.

All very irritating so close ot the experimental deadline.