Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More things to check out

A framework written in pure Objective-C created to receive TUIO messages for multi-touch applications. It uses a modified version of the WSOSC framework to parse the Open Sound Control packets

Monday, January 26, 2009

More evil ideas


Origin: COCONUT 
Physical meaning: inverse kinematics of a 3R robot 
8 equations with 8 unknowns

  x1^2 + x2^2 - 1 =0 x3^2 + x4^2 - 1 =0 x5^2 + x6^2 - 1 =0 x7^2 + x8^2 - 1 =0 0.004731*x1*x3 - 0.3578*x2*x3 - 0.1238*x1 - 0.001637*x2 - 0.9338*x4 + x7=0 1 =0 0.2238*x1*x3 + 0.7623*x2*x3 + 0.2638*x1 - 0.07745*x2 -0.6734*x4 -0.6022 =0 x6*x8 + 0.3578*x1 + 0.004731*x2 =0 -0.7623*x1 + 0.2238*x2 + 0.3461 =0 
Ranges: [-1,1] for all unknowns 

Solving methodGradientSolve+HullConsistencyStrong+ +3B 
Solutions:: 16 (exact) 
Computation time (May 2004):

So output the sum of all the outputs ( how far from zero they are). 

More papers to check out

I think these have some indiciation of how difficult it is to find something given the visual cluter around the. Worth looking for.

Denis G Pelli, Katharine A Tillman, Jeremy

Freeman, Michael Su, Tracey D Berger, and Najib J

Majaj. Crowding and eccentricity determine reading

rate. J Vis, 7(2):20.1–2036, 2007. doi:10.1167/7.2.20

H. Bouma. Interaction effects in parafoveal letter

recognition. Nature, 226(5241): 177–178, Apr 1970.

 A. Toet and D. M. Levi. The twodimensional


of spatial interaction zones in the parafovea. Vision

Res, 32(7):1349–1357, Jul 1992.

 Denis G Pelli, Melanie Palomares, and Najib J Majaj.

Crowding is unlike ordinary masking: distinguishing

feature integration from detection. J Vis, 4(12):1136–

1169, Dec 2004. doi:10:1167/4.12.12

Itti, L., Koch, C., Neibur, E.  (1998).  A model of saliency-based visual attention for rapid scene analysis.  IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 20, 1254-1259.  Luck, S. J., & Vogel, E. K. (1997). The capacity of visual working memory for features and conjunctions. Nature, 390, 279-281.  Rosenholtz, R., Li, Y. & Nakano, L.  (2007).  Measuring visual clutter.  Journal of Vision, 7(2):17, 1-22.    VanRullen, R., Reddy, L. & Fei-Fei, L.  (2005).  Binding is a local probelm for natural objects and scenes.  Vision Research, 45, 3133-3144.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Exhibition time.

From Tabletop

From Tabletop

From Tabletop

Paul Demoing.

From Tabletop

From Tabletop

My finger.

From Tabletop

Multi finger in action. 
From Tabletop

Quite a crowd. 

Well I managed to get quite a good sun/gravity demo working. By using the screen as the target I managed to get reactor vision to compensate for the spherical distortion of the screen and you get quite good registration. 

Down side was that Ricky kept stabbing the touch screen with both hands making large numbers of planets. Eventually you got a multi-threading error which meant I had to restart the process. I've fixed the bug bit it was an irritation while demoing I could have done with out (Didn't IBM have people going round the stands at exhibitions causing known bugs to appear on their competitors products - and they where rivals. Ricky does it for team mates). 
On the good news front looks like we have a gig at the Science Museum's Dana center. 

Monday, January 19, 2009

Mirror Mirror

We began fitting the new mirrors today and the image quality looked very good.

We kept trying things out to make it that bit better - centring, enlarging getting rid of rotations. During this, the mirror chipped while it fell off the glue on mount ( normally the glue should stick). Dave has gone off to re-stick the mirror over night things, we should be repeated over night. There is a back up emergency mirror - it might cause a few hassles but good enough to demo/show off/deveople with while a new mirror is ordered.

Generally I'm fairly positive about Wednesday.

Projector needs more mount points.

Design and Behaviour - one to link to

One to come back to when I'm doing the foot fall stuff ( working on table this week).

"The design of products, services and environments can be used to influence behaviour, and there's a growing appreciation of the possibilities for social benefit, especially in environmentally sensitive design, health, safety, security and crime reduction. This group aims to bring together people interested in this emerging field: interaction designers, product designers, graphic designers, engineers, architects, ergonomists, computer scientists, sociologists, psychologists, economists, philosophers, researchers, strategists, policy-makers and anyone else with something to say, or an interest in learning what others are doing."

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kristenia Hook Affective empowerment

Emotional empowerment. 

Affective computing - computer decoding users emotional state. 
Put affect as an embodied social bodily and cultural product.
So can support an expanded range of communication.

Why affective 
new contexts of use (PC's not just for work). 
new inputs. 

eMoto (it sounds Japanese) 
extension of mobile interaction. Sensors in pen to measure pressure and shaking + bluetooth.
write your message then shake pen to show emotion -creates the background.
Ruseel's circumlefx motion ???
colour wheel maps low - to high arousal and low to high displeasure/pleasure from holding pressure and movement. 
colour is displayed on back of mobile. 
No colour mapping up front but people create private colour expressions.
Colour becomes the body language

Affective Diary
More mobile, Biosensor armband - galvanic skin response, movement(plugs in via cable)
Scan mobile activites and then visualise. 
scribble diary notes above.
Users did it for month each.
Helped one user reflect on their live (" I noticed I went jogging after I'm upset")
Some people make more reflective
More interested in how to design for these interactions.
'Knowing and communicating is through the whole body"
Openness Openness

surfaces that can be appropriated 
not filled or given definite meaning.
Familiarity based on
Social practice 
Bodily practice 

Working on how to influence your current state

'Put people in charge of sense making (co-construction of meaning)' (the machine does not observe you, you creating interpretations of your self (of broadcasting).
Nice solution to what emotional measurements mean.
eMoto - between SMS and voice call.

. o O { How far can we move away from embodied ment. If you loose a leg are you less you? } 

Löwgren: Use qualities - frame of reference for interaction designers
Suppleness (Isbister and Hook)
Pliability (Lowgren)

Emoto pen was problem as too big and looked like Dildo problem using/waving it it in pubs and cafe's

Sensual evaluation instrumen
Sensual evaluation instrument no verbal articulation mechanism 
(shapes you can pick up.. ) 

motion and emotion are linked/influences

design for persona and get subjects to meet persona

Monday, January 12, 2009

More multi touch.

lib AV is new and looks interesting - has Mac version. looks like XML file with bits of python.

Does have a tracking library working with OSC. - work a try then.

Looks good. 

Monday, January 5, 2009

thoughts about other buildings

Checked out the M.Young building ( business ) and the Library the library has only one lift/stair combination (together) and might be a good place to start. 

Paul mentioned our contact with the digilab person as an entry point.  

Basic idea would be to run experiment in other buildings both as a check and as way of running experiment early.