Thursday, January 17, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013

Screens in the Wild

UCL and Nottingham are having some interesting work on large urban screens in the public realm.

Screens in the Wild

Monday, January 7, 2013

Please steal these ideas

Its a new year and people like starting with predictions for the rest of the year. I thought I would start with not predictions but products that I'd like people to rip off and implement. This is mostly to show that if you put an idea online it doesn't mean to say that the big names for coming and steal it from you.

  1. The first is the ability to buy advertising from Facebook based upon someone's status in the network. I would like to be able to focus my advertising  towards people who have more connections and are more influential than others. Come on Facebook this is one of the few ways you have some unique value.
  2. I would like to find where you could put it into do not disturb mode but for a particular period of time. For example go silent for an  hour or two hours this way you can walk into a meeting turn your phone off and then after meeting and your phone was automatically switched back on. 
  3. Currently unlike Google Mobile adverts are unintelligent. Most advertising online looks at what you're doing and reading and alters the adverts appropriately. This is one of the big major advantage of Google advertising in my opinion. Currently mobile adverts are still fairly dumb. I expect that adverting sdks  will allow the mobile developers to plug-in what you are doing and use that to driving adverts and more effective way. 
  4. A book shop which lets you gift a e-book or kindle book

my prediction for this year is that 'skeuomorphic' will be the new word of the year. 

The Future of Interaction Design | UI Fuel

The Future of Interaction Design | UI Fuel

This is quite an interesting view of the process of interaction design and where is is going.

Lenovo Debuts 'Table PC' That You Can Play Monopoly On

Lenovo Debuts 'Table PC' That You Can Play Monopoly On

Table top interfaces go more mainstream with this attempt by Lenovo.  This is 27 inches wide and comes with a digital dice. I thought that something like Monopoly would be a good start for the these kinds of interfaces. Bascially they still don't have a universal solution to the multi-angle user interface problem - its running windows 8.