Tuesday, December 11, 2007

M801 project Ideas

M801 Project Ideas
It takes me about a day to write one up. I thought I would dump my current idea list up.

1. People as streets. Trying to produce flat representations for non flat graphs. Get students to try to develop mechanisms to layout arbitrary graphs as axial representations.

2. [IN] Cognitive Maps ( Sketch Maps ) for long term user interface analysis. Get people to draw maps of the user interface for commonly used programs like Word or Excel ( or 3D program or IDE ). Use reference to sketch mapping ( Lynch).

4. Sketchy display of user interface elements to facilitate GUI requirements engineering.

3.Future Finder.Containment layout algorithms. How to layout rectangles in the most efficient way while not spending all day doing it.

4. ReCctor vision - implementing something in reactor vision. Embodies displays.

5. Algorithms for GPU. Thinking about concurrent program what kinds of mischief can we get up to. Searching sorting anything that isn't a graphical rendering algorithum.

6. Advanced documentation. Implement a doclet to add visualisation and getting started to java doc code.

8. CSP - a like ASP or PHP but embeds C into HTML text. Runs compiler that produces a CGI.

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