Thursday, October 30, 2008

Floor stickies and more

I think I have a mild cold or flu. Had bad head ache this mornining so didn't stop off to get the wire for the third footfall sensor. Did spend most of the morning doing a review of a nice paper for Chi. 

Did discover I could use aurdio as ethernet device. Down side is it needs a static IP address - which can be organised but is a pain not to have DHCP.

Lent Tsous spair Aurdio for a week or two to experiment with, but might use it to replace the mac-mini in the floor. 

Afternoon was spent bringing Tasous and supervisors Cat/Theo up to date with developments of the projector. Tasous has got to grips with my image processing code. We had a lot of nice ideas of possible interfaces. Everyone seems happy with Putham deadline followed by children and learning paper deadline in Jan. 

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