Friday, August 13, 2010


I've been reading a book java generics which has a nice section on java collections.
I'm wondering why they bother with the List/Map/set interface stuff if they don't expect people to create new List/Map/Set classes from them.
So what to subclass surely the things you could be subclass are subclassed?

I remembered that FORTRAN had a nice disk backed array - I like the notion of a simple disk-based array in Java which would appear to map a very large array into a much smaller in memory object. The basic idea is to avoid all that reading/writing out just use it directly.

I was thinking that it might be possible to use reflection on simple predictably sized objects ( ints, shorts, floats, booleans doubles, chars , enums ) to 'parse'

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

James Ash Embodyment

James Ash, The Centre for Citizenship, Identities and Governance (CCIG), The Open University

Attunement and Skill Acquisition in Call of Duty 4

He's a geographer doing a PHD in video games.  

ex-trinsic  and in-trinsic space(s).

'Intensive spaces and intensive Attunement' 

Does the mind body division. No place where self ends and body beings 

Affect - non consuious activies that reflect how the minds thinks. 

'Intensive spaces - spaces which need reflexive skills to operate in the space'. 

From Delass? - Attri 
Spaces smooth vs Striated 

Very much the geographic notion of space 
'Ways of the hand' 
Intensive movement - separation between interaction object ( knob ) and space (screen )

Humans become atuned to the space ( sharing commonalities between people in particular spaces - funeral behaviour ) 

Learning in two kinds. 
Genetnic, somatic memory - life time memory.   


Aiming - slow to aim encourages sniping not close combat. 
Reloading - internal knowledge of how long to hit determins 

feeling safe within a set of rules but still have a sense of emergence. 

play between structure and contingency

So why not CHI fun to do ?
- its the experience not the outcome 
- its the end result 

Monday, August 9, 2010

Touch usablity blog link

Jeff mentioned this and I thought I would post on it.

Back to experimenting.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Experiment going well

I've had 17 right handers and 4 left handers do it. Very nice looking results.

mirrors -

This time they are english.

Jeff found these people they did the front side mirror for the table ( very good mirror it is too).

Useful on the parts list front.