Odd day - mostly working on CHI workshop proposals ( said I would have it done by yesterday). I experimented with being on train with WIFI ( which on east coast was remarkably good if with the occasional delay).
This morning had a great conversation with Ruth (waiting for train) about meaning of HCI and what that might mean for building usability.
Invited to give keynote in Chille for SSSx but I have to find my own airflight money ( about £1000) ( the recession has hit Chile too - very much chance of a life time). From conference could go to Easter island for another £500.
Visited space syntax group in new building near Euston station which not only sorted out a guest lecture some time before christmas but also let me find out that Alan has pushed through special case to make sure the PHD gets fully ratified. Which is fantastic - my parents are still keen to come down and attend the phd award ceremony which at their age is a big achievement. Just very nice seeing everyone again.
After getting to OU spent some time with Rowen going over basic intro to Space syntax. She told me she didn't know, I knew anything about space syntax until Paul prompted her. She was suitably impressed with my description and has a nice problem to solve for the interview best of luck there. Tempted to do the intro to space syntax in 4 You tube videos some time.
Felt guilty about no getting carpet tile working in time for demos.
Got back to visit C+J J's willowbussness is going well and I have a nice evening playing arm chair generals with him ( planning strategy for the business well he talks I listen). Easy for me, harder for him ( he has to do it) but I think this process of attaching distributing resources for maximum profit and minimum risk is the is the 'fun' part ( intellectually stimulating)of any small business. I am always quite envious.
Nice being back int he lab ( my dream about bike being stolen appears to have been about Bike being moved. I wonder if my dream about Fight club means anything). Made all the more wonderful with plaq from CHI with best paper award to J+Y + (+Rose not sure hanv't seen it) at Ubicomp in it. Should be somewhere more suitable.