Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A good news day (

Well what a busy day Its 5:46 and I'm about to have my morning coffee. Gonzalo turned with with some AAC students and Ava which was very nice. So they are mostly Architects and Sculptors with a curiosity in things digital ( this was the old  UCL Virtual Environments course I set up a long time ago). They were very fun and it was nice to see some young faces for once.

Gonzalo and I had a good time running them through the final stage of the wineshop. while we did G, told me that Chirs Luebkeman ( Ducan Wilson's boss see my links ) from the mighty Ove Arups is doing a TED talk and he wants to use an image of the Wineshop as part of that talk eke!

Arups are also going to use  run the experiment in their london space for a while as well. This would be really cool Yvonne asked about being truly ecologically valid.

So a happy day. It was interesting I was talking to the students and it made me realise how busy things are and how much we have to play with. The students were quite envious of the kinds of things we have done to the building and more importantly the space we have to do thing with. Which is quite nice its was very good to be reminded of the positive sides of being here.

Today both Gonzalo and I managed to get 6 people through our experiments ( cool!) but for me the most interesting aspect was Gonzalo sat down and did a focus group about the place stats. He started to use the Microsoft desirability cards but in a group context which I thought was interesting. It makes you wonder what kind of work has been done in the context of focus groups and HCI.

While I'm on the good news front OUR HCI2011 workshop has been accepted ( the link to the call is here ) and I'm in a workshop for CHI ( so time to hurriedly sort CHI attendance out too).

Oh and I did I mention that Rose has got most of the grey balls painted and I've nearly completed the pads for Nicolas experiment?

Also a copy of Analog In, Digital Out arrived on my desk - I thought I would check out the Associates widget worked.

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