Friday, July 19, 2013

GPUImage : NSHipster

GPUImage : NSHipster:
While my central interest is human computer interaction I can't that help stop myself from getting highly excited about this kind of low level stuff. Basically in order to process sound and images in real time on an iPhone there is a separate group of tiny processes like a mini graphics card. Programming this GPU is pretty difficult compared to everyday programming. Indeed it'  so difficult we won't even mention it on the OU new algorithms course. 

However the Brad Larson has just created an IO library which hides all these GPU accelerated details behind a well-designed object. There is a mouth watering list of image processing operations which can be applied to video stream processing. Doing something like the tracking of all the fingers on a multi-touch table would be quite simple ( and fast) .  I could imagine hundreds of quite funky programs you could build using this. 

File under toolbox goodies

also here are some OPENCV info on ios programming

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