Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mapping the Landscape of Sustainable HCI

This is an interesting paper which shows how clustered around particular topics sustainable HCI is.

The calls for further connection with outside fields is significant. If I had time I would like to review the papers listed in this paper. I have always been surprised about  the number of behaviour change papers labelled as sustainable HCI.

From my point of view what makes sustainable  HCI different from traditional HCI is we are trying to control technology. That is deliberately promote technology which already has a cheaper alternative (oil,gas) in many ways you can think of this as fair trade technology. Normally you want you technology to recede into the background, much as the case for pervasive interaction. Fair trade technology wants to reverse this process it wants you to become more aware of a particular technology and therefore choose it over another despite being less objectively competative. In which case of fair trade goods, we are willing to pay more in order to support social goals. Green technology is a fair trade technology. We want you to choose this technology over other technologies on the basis of some quality ( in this case environmental impact).

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