Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Panel show idea

Jeff has turned up (Huray!) seems to be a small hurricane of ideas wonderful.

I was chating with Paul this morning about new kinds of projects I could apply for.

I mentioned I had always wanted to augment a TV Panel show. The idea would be to give each particpant around the dicussion table a accompanist. This accompanist would take what the particpant was saying or might say and then get a URL or picture/movie that might augment the talking head with some more visual stimulus. Visually the particpants would have a screen behind them displaying some of the visual information (images behind the head constantly changing in response to what is said, or possibly statistics )

In parralle the particpants would have a tree the would have branchs and leaves constantly arange its self around the key items of conversation this would be a visual plot/summary of that which had been spoken about.

Mean while live conversations would have a compressed list of statemtents emailed and texted into the program.

Paul was quite encoraging saying perhaps I should try to apply for research money to do this. After all we have the BBC on
our door step it might be a way to get some research done.

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