Had one of those excellent chats with Ruth
Ruth thinks that doing the persuasive technology front could form a good basis for a grant application to either ESRC (Economic/Social Science Research council) or the MRC (Medical research council). Medical research is interesting, they have lots of money but they have lots of very top notch people applying for it too. Still the point was I got quite excited.
Then I had an inspired chat with Paul.
Clearly I want to play to my syntactical strengths so the most natural response here is where to put the display to have most effect. Paul suggested that I pick four locations (A,B,C,D) with 2 equal or identical isovist properties ( A,C) and (B,D). Run the experiment and check to see if the response ( what people do ) goes up and down in pairs. (up A,C, down B,D). Clearly there will be some learning effect ( but how much), but the return to previous state should be obvious if people are responding to the technology.
This would both establish the utility of a syntactical analysis while also doing some persuasive info. Also leaves some legitimacy for doing a grant application (making this the pilot) later on. Thinking about two weeks per state ( 8 weeks in total + 2 weeks for without action comparison). Paul suggested doing 8 + different locations and trying to correlate results against syntactical factors.