Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Problems Problems Problems (sun spot)

I had a quick chat with Yvonne On the way back I wanted to check if I could send something from the other side of the other door ( answer no). 
 With a stick I probed under the floor and found that there was something softish ( feels like wool insulation to me) under the door to the bridge.  This would make putting a USB cable to the spot nearly impossible. Did I mention that the guy in charge of the building is away for 3 weeks? 

Looking at the problem again I had another thought. I could run VERY VERY long cables under the carpet ( which I can lift up ) and run the along the side of the bridge all the way to the floor box were I could put a MacMini/Adui/connected sunspot.  

I'm going to try making a longer cable and seeing if the current will pass detectable. 

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