SUGGESTED Benefits of tabletops
- Enhanced collaboration - face to face vs side,by side
- More equitable participation
- social 'flattening'
- - subtle social benefits.
- supports eye contacts, casual interaction with device,
- Natural interaction
- Mimics the physics of real world - so simpler to use
- Can support hightly 'fluid' interaction
- Bimanual interaction - higher interaction bandwidth
- people use orientation and proximity to identify personal zones
- centre space is public/shared
Moving items
- momentum
- magnified control
- [ river along the edge ]
- spinning table
- bad lag
- what causes lag in a vision system ?
- lag proportional to number of people in system?
- fidelity of recognition
- fingers are quite big ( 1-cm sqaure )
- text orientation
What are tables good for?
Ordering in restaurant
Augmented table tops
- tracking real objects ( background subtraction... )
- arms /hands ...
- IR pens..
- Pen's
- when pressed down..
Is the ecology of devices about designing for multiple screen sizes
- how to prioritise what is important to display
- how to respond to near by devices.
What are my three inspirations/applications
- 1. huge card sorting
- 2. calendar with in-situ expansion of days.
- 3. zooming catalogue of anything.