Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Statistical frustration

I have some statistical work to do at the moment for the CHI paper and I am underwhelmed by the choice of software. SPSS/PAWS is just terribly buggy - it can't even stay open for a few minutes or open a file, really pathetic.
Datadesk - which has a nice interface won't open a text file ( its still OS9 compatible ) - I guess it hasn't caught up with OSX yet.
Excel - has problems processing so much data ( very slow) I'm not sure I trust it.
there is R - which goes back to the command- line ( ugh!)

There are some free apps which don't let you explore the data.
I could just program stuff in JAVA with a lib from apache.

Not exactly a great set of choices.

I really want Statview 512.

Even blogger is not working correctly.

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