Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rebutals and Outage ( and dyslexia)

We had a Chi rebuttals meeting.

Interesting that everyone had to by buoyed up when getting knocked back. I had this too to one paper. Very low marks and unlikely to get in but the rebuttal was invited so I did it anyway. Naturally you feel outraged - this version was given lower marks than last time and we did improve it. So yes everyone feels quite hurt at how unjust the system is. In another year the paper will be out of date. It reminds me of how little science and academia is capable of approaching an external problem. You can't say solve X and still get a paper out of it. 

The interesting part was how everyone was still in the doldrums about it. I had that on friday but I had also sprung back much quicker and have written a really positive reply. 

Ruth suggested it might be a dyslexic thing I'm more used to having my work rejected as inadequate when to my eyes I can't see that its no more inferior  than the work of my peers. Perhaps I'm just feeling more militantly dyslexic after that BBC program on dyslexia. ( )  download at BBC iPlayer . 

I found there is quite a big wages gap between dyslexics and non dyslexics or as one paper put it"s. Socioeconomic status and IQ were not predictive of adult outcome among these men in contrast to their effect in the general population" or As Mellard and Woods put it "adults with SLD no longer earn more; rather they earn less than their non-LD peers (Goldberg et al., 2003; Goldstein et al., 1998)." more interesting there is as Dickingson and Verbeek said "Our results show that much of the observed lower wages for individuals with LD is due to differences in productivity characteristic s.However,there isa n unexplained portion of the wage gap that could possibly be considered wage discrimination against individuals with LD." basically dyslexics earn 77% of everyone else's salary.

Just a note to say we had a network outage on the sensor net. Yesterday and today it looks like. 

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