Monday, June 17, 2013

When is flat design not flat design ?

When is flat design not flat design ? This video form the BBC ( well from Apple) shows the new parallax effect. 
 The two things which caught my attention one was that the accelerometer is used to generate a parallax effect. this is the first time to my knowledge that true 3D has been used in a graphic user interface. 
The other slightly more subtle aspect is that colours are tweaked according to the ambient brightness. My big worry with the flat design and the very thin Helvetica font is that in many use cases the thin font would be invisible. What I find intensely interesting is that graphic designers are now using the context of the picture to keep the readability of the graphic constant. Generally graphic design has always looked at everything in a highly static pictorial manner, for me this is the first time that a mainstream graphic design product has really taken on context and animation in a powerful way. It could change graphic design for ever.

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I know that android has had parallax effects before now but this is the first time it has gone truly mainstream.

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