Wednesday, August 29, 2007

thought about teaching

Naturaly there is a lot of thinking about teaching here. One thing I noticed was this big move recently to move towards a process called 'reflection'. I don't see the process of reflection as being a huge contribution to the educational process and certainly not enough to justify the additional work load involved.

There are only ad-hoc mechanisums to consider work load when proposing new concepts in teaching it is treated as a peripheal aspect to education. I think their is a lot to be said to intoduce time and its utilisation to the core of pedigocial theory. This way a development that reduces the time it takes to learn something would be given more signficance than it currently recives.

I thought of a good way to produce not quite the null hypothosis for reflection. I would give students sample thesis/essays to comment upon/mark. This would work for a number of reasons.
1 - Given examples of good and bad work students get a better idea of what they are doing and how far they could go.
2 - Promotes the concept of promoting a coherant argument through the work ( sadly missing )
3 - Needs some understanding of the topic matter requireing research

this is in some ways the exact opposit of reflection and I quite like the idea of using the original mark given as a way of testing student...

looks like the blogger spell checker is not working.

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