Monday, October 14, 2013

You get a PHD thesis for this ?

Honestly. Don't get me wrong this is a very good masters project, the stats look good, it's reasonably referenced, clear question but basically the topic its " do people prefer automatic checkouts over real people? ". This is a 'significant contribution to knowledge in the field ?  Is this what business studies people think is a real contribution to knowledge ? This is not a PHD this is a good masters project gone horribly horribly wrong. 

I am all too clearly reminded of the time I spent in a business school course on innovation , listening in horror to business students ( all of whom were working for major companies at the time ) while they ernestly discussed the merits of investing in a perpetual motion machine. In response to my shock the response was "it's not a perpetual motion machine it's a free air energy device"  (no the patent office doesn't allow them either).

File under disappointed. 

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