Monday, April 20, 2015

Very cool night in Seoul

Just got back from having a fantastic evening with one of the gods of space syntax Hoon Park.
We went for a traditional Korean dinner in Gangnam (As in Gangnam style). 
I didn't know this but it turns out that Hoon was one of those responsible for this line of inter-active pillars.
You can't see them here but each one has a video display on it. The street seems to be a mix of Oxford Street and Carnaby Street.bustling with young people out to see and be seen.
While the city is astonishingly young it's also surprisingly syntact.
In many ways the mix of living and working reminds me a little of the structure of the Canadian city. However the high pedestrian nature and the layering of space from grade 2 super grid   Bellows about the close relationship between space and society here.

This 'Minth '(Media plinth) was so detailed that at first I took it for a backlit photograph. Actually superhigh resolution screen with the numbers representing the depth of queue to get in to the superb Korean restaurant.

Good evening chatting to someone who would have to be on any list of the smartest guy in syntax. It was excellent to sample Korean cooking ( with out the meat sorry guys). 

Arguably best first night at chi ever.

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