Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cory Doctorow

Cory Doctorow gave quite an impassioned talk about the struggle to contorl ownership of information in the digital age.

He mentioned his website he has put up some work. Might be nice to see what's going on inn sci-fi land. I wonder if I could pass of my research as science fiction?

With him was someone more interesting but less opinionated/articulate from Google. I wasn't introduced but she sounded interesting must ask Mike R for email for her.

I did as Doctorow about if digital copying is killing movie business then why don't Hollywood just go Analog? They still film in an analogue way and still distribute film for cinemas in analogue why not replace digital DVDs with analogue ones, after all they call the shots as far as new distribution media come. If Hollywood don't support a format it doesn't happen.
Corys intelligent answer was that Hollywood fall for the mistake that they think that technology will help them and no one else.

Cory did mention a project to show the fallacy of the lottery + wanted a device to show all the personal information leaving your computer as you browse. He also mentioned giving money to his kid for spotting CCTV cams. Which Is inspiration I like.

C and Google woman got into minor debate about the info Google collect to run the targets adds vs the kinds of things a repressive government might get up to. I asked what would happen if Google let you see/edit the data is collects about you so you could get better adverts. I mentioned the RCA stuff about getting things you owned to advertise them selves back to you.

I do like the idea of a squid/cache that put useful adds into your browser ( you have a meeting in 10 mins). cool

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